Monday, August 30, 2010


Lee has been known by many names.  All of them are good, if you must know.  But the name that describes him best is:  LUCKY!  For example:

What a doll!  Let's just wonder if he could have been any more lucky!

That's Lee on the left, capturing the most notorious mob boss in the world!

Here is Lee in his Rose Garden, clipping and trimming away.  Tomorrow he will be working in his Vegetable Garden.  (40 tomato plants...please!)

But of all the luck that Lee possesses, he is mostly known for being:


Here he is, as always, and I mean ALWAYS, parked in the first parking space outside the store.

To document this phenomenon, I carried my camera

to all of the parking lots at all of the stores

and without fail, and I mean without fail,

there he was, parked front and center!

That lucky Leo--
that man of mine!


  1. What? A post went up and you didn't have to call me?! You are officially a PRO! The thing Lee is luckiest for is having YOU in his life.

  2. Finally! Documented proof of the legendary phenomenon we have all been witnessing for years: The LUCK OF LEE!!!

    Unfortunately, this special brand of luck must not be a genetic trait, because Lee certainly hasn't passed it on to his offspring, as my abysmal record in the parking lots of the world (to say nothing of love) can attest.

  3. Isn't that one of the gifts of the spirit? You know, right after the gift of tongues - the gift to find front row parking? Anyhoo, I would LOVE to take Lucky Leo to NYC and see his parking prowess put to the test. And by the way, I love your haircut in the first picture. I've never seen you with "long" hair! My big boys were very impressed with the mob picture. They already thought he was cool, now he's legendary.

  4. I, too, count myself among the parking lot lucky. I've often told my passengers that I seem to have the best luck with finding front row parking. (The fact that I must circle the parking lot for a good 45 minutes first is not open for discussion . . . )

  5. I would truly be an ungrateful servant if I didn't sit before you this day to tell you that I KNOW that Lee's Luck is true. Many's the time I have witnessed this principle in action: first, as a "young" mother driving unto Sam's, whereforeunto Lee hath not only found the ONE closest parking space, but he then did discovereth the second space like unto it, therefore I did not have to schlep my way in, babe in tow, for Lee hath found the 2 parking spaces preserved unto us. Lee hath blessed us then unto the Target, and even hath uncovered the closest "parking" spaces of Rome, Orvieto, Monte Cassino and many others which I cannot now relate. Hearts were lifted, products purchased & consumed, & happy were the smiles of the children with their fries & Diets. "The Spirit of Lee, like a parking attendant, has found the closest parking space in all the parking lot." Forever & amen.

  6. When do we get to read about your, "I'm not trying to be mean, but..." phrase? It's so Jeanne!

  7. BECKY!!! I'm laughing so hard, mi sono fatto la pipi' addosso!! Fresca, ma non troppo...

  8. hahahaha this is an amazing post!! I wonder if some of this luck could be shared a little bit with the rest of us!

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